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BaBy BoOm

What is BaBy BoOm©?

BaBy BoOm© is an organized system that serves as a welcome committee to acknowledge and welcome the new young additions added to our city each year. BaBy BoOm© is one of the extended branches of God’s love pouring out through the conduits of the First Ladies of the Round Table©. Whether married or single, adult or a teen, BaBy BoOm© exists to be a blessing to expecting mothers who reside within our community regardless of age, race, or creed.

Over the years, I’ve deepened my resolve that one of the greatest passions in life is compassion. People simply don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Thus, BaBy BoOm© was birthed with this concept as its premise.

I can personally remember the excitement and love that flooded my heart each time I found out I was going to be a mother. The thrill of another life growing deep within me still remains a wonder and a mighty miracle from God. Jesus said in Matthew 19:14, “Suffer the little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven”.

In the past year, I wanted to somehow connect on a more personal and intimate level with the citizens of our community; a people I have grown to know and love. As I searched and observed many worthy organizations and causes to belong to and participate in, I found happily committed and faithful people serving in different scopes and levels.

Yet, my heart did not want to “just belong” to another group or organization simply because it was the popular thing to do or because it would look good added to my repertoire of aristocratic affiliations. I decided to step back and wait until I could become involved and be passionate about something that would draw out and make the most effectiveness of my creative skills.

As my longing deepened, so did the desire to produce meaningful results that would bring about lifetime change. I thought what do people need most, what’s needed in our community, and what could I bring to the table?

Well, BaBy BoOm© is only the beginning of the many wonderful programs that will stem from the root of First Ladies of the Round Table©.

How Does It Work?

I am so glad you’ve thought about this question. Whenever a resident from our community discovers that they or someone is having a baby, they should contact the BaBy BoOm© Committee immediately, who in turn, will collect important information such as the mommy’s or mothers-to-be’s name, address, baby’s sex (if known) and due date.

Once this data is collected, BaBy BoOm© zooms off to baby world to create its beautifully exquisite basket filled with wonderful baby goodies. In addition, they will also receive a card signed by the BaBy BoOm© Committee and an official FLRT Certificate. What better way than to let the parent(s) of these precious babies know that we love them, appreciate them, and are here for them. Even if they have a church family, an extended family, or friends and neighbors, the BaBy BoOm© wants to give a “welcome to the world” basket for the new arrival and its mother.

How Can I Help?

Alerting us is one way you can help. Letting us know who the next “mommy” will be will help BaBy BoOm© get busy with her baskets of love! By becoming a member and getting actively involved, you help us celebrate the precious gift of life that will one day transform and become an active citizen of our community.

Another way to help is by donating financially, contributing baby goods from time-to-time, or simply making a one time donation. You can also donate your time and creative skills to help make and prepare the baskets for delivery. Let us endeavor to be a blessing whenever we can.

How Much Does It Cost?

Absolutely NOTHING! This is a “freely give, freely receive enterprise” whose desire is to help put stars in someone else’s crown.

How Do I Sign Up To Receive News Or Updates?

There are several ways you can connect with us. We will send updates and news from the following resources and until we set up our members’ network.

There are several ways you can connect with us. We will send updates and news from the following resources and until we set up our members’ network.

1. Facebook: @FirstLadiesoftheRoundTable

2. Twitter:

3. Official Website:

4. E-mail by using our website CONTACT FORM

5. Phone: 903.357.0492

6. Mail to:

First Ladies of the Round Table

ATTN: BaBy BoOm Committee

P.O. Box 624

Whitewright, Texas 75491

We hope by now you are excited and ready to join us as we embark on this beautiful journey. Remember, what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you!

All Material is Copyrighted and Sole Property of BaBy BoOm© a Division of First Ladies of the Round Table

First Ladies of the Round Table | Narda Asogwa (Goodson)

And you shall also be a crown of you shall be a crown of beauty in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God.


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